Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sept. 21, 2011

If you've read this blog more than once, you probably noticed that I have commitment issues. I can't settle on one blog design. It's not that I really love to switch things up. Actually, I don't like change. I just can't find a design that makes me go, "Oh yeah. THIS is it." I really wanted to go with a pill motif, but I didn't want to field the hate mail from people insisting that antidepressants don't glorify God, so I rejected the idea.

Actually, I might go with that idea yet.

So I apologize for the schizophrenic crazy constant design change. There is no perfect blog, but I'm hoping to find one that I can at stand.

I haven't blogged much lately because I have had walking pneumonia. I don't know what "walking" pneumonia means. I assume it means "Congratulations! You have pneumonia and you're still walking!" I am getting better, though I sometimes have a coughing fit that makes me feel lucky not to be holding my eyeballs in my two hands. Right before I came down with pneumonia, I gave up smoking - as in, the DAY before. What a reward! I think people who quit smoking should get a special prize - a lifetime without pneumonia or something. A lifetime without cancer would be unfair to people who never smoked in the first place, but no pneumonia seems like a fair trade.

Tonight I'll settle for a good night's sleep. I'm watching a UFO documentary right now where one of the experts is...Dan Aykroyd. We need to talk about aliens one of these days on this blog, we really do. I should interview my dad and get his views - nobody has read more about UFOs than my pop.
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Blog Design By Use Your Imagination Designs With Pictures from Pinkparis1233
Use Your Imagination Designs