Good morning, y'all. It's 1 a.m. Some of you are partying right now. Boring people like me are usually asleep by this time on a Friday night...or Saturday morning, however you prefer to look at it. I've got Seroquel and Ambien in me and I'm awake. Somebody suggested I try melatonin but that would be like giving someone a baby Aspirin for open heart surgery pain. My brain never shuts off on its own, or I wouldn't be taking Ambien. Sometimes it doesn't shut off at all, period. Welcome to the wonderful world of mania. What do you need done? I could probably paint your whole house right now, inside and outside. Give me a call, I'll come over. I've been known to rearrange spice cupboards at 4 in the morning, so that's another option.
It used to be normal for me to be up and at 'em in the wee morning hours before the sun even woke up, but these days I try to keep a normal sleep schedule both because I have to earn a living during waking hours, and also so I don't become "more bipolar." So this is weird to me. Lights out is at 11.
I will pay for this in a few days, that's the only bummer. I need to go do something playing Uno on Facebook or something. Something to throw the emergency brake on my brain. Sleep tight, everybody. Hopefully I won't need to be physically propped up tomorrow morning.
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Make your life count: a year of Adrian’s writing
2 weeks ago