Thursday, August 11, 2011

Seroquel, Take Me Away

Last night was a no good, very bad night. I didn't sleep at all. I didn't doze off here and there. I didn't sleep AT ALL. And my muscles were sore. And this morning I was so nauseous I could barely sip my coffee.

I must have forgotten to take my Seroquel.

For someone my age, I take quite a few meds. I'm diabetic (my fault/genetic) and hypertensive (genetic) and have restless leg syndrome (who knows). And then there's bipolar disorder. I was tired and it was late last night when I took my fistful of drugs. Sometimes I mistake the Glipizide (for diabetes) for Seroquel. I take 2 Glipizide. Sometimes I look into my hand and think I have them both because they look almost identical.

First thing I did after almost vomiting my coffee was take a Seroquel. It will probably make me sleepy, and I can't sleep today. Deadlines. But I'm no good if I'm sick, either. Withdrawal doesn't make for a pleasant day.

Even though I encourage people to take these meds if they need them, it does sometimes strike me how crappy it is to have to take pills in order to be a functioning human being. There are people who fall asleep with no help, get out of bed with no help, and lead stable lives with no help.

I can't say I'm not the tiniest bit jealous. Pin It


Debbie said...

We all need help in one way or another. Those who don't need "help" are blessed, but few and far between. Some do things like have a drink before going to bed. Others stop drinking caffeine at a certain hour. Some read, drink warm milk, do relaxation techniques, PRAY even (what a concept! lol)...etc.

Finally, I truly believe that God orchestrated the creation of medications to help us so if you really think about it, it is God helping you :) What a loving God we serve!


Unknown said...

Cant remember how I came across your blog. Oh yes I do! The BipolarDisorder Daily!

Anyways, I am newly diagnosed with Bipolar 2, and I have a raft of other health conditions. I take 19 pills a day, plus a weekly skin patch that gives me a narcotic pain killer. I HATE having to take these pills, but all hell breaks loose if I forget them.

If I forget any one of them I have immediate repercussions, from either withdrawals or pain, or being crazy.

I am jealous of people who need no meds, who have a completely healthy life. It must be nice..

I'm very interested in what you have to say about living with Bipolar, so I'm off to read some more!

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