Married people are losing their minds. I see it all around me. What has the government unleashed into our water system? You know things are bad when I seem like the sane one.
People get divorced for all sorts of reasons. As a "marriage expert", it is my job to tell you that divorce is wrong and you should erase it from your marital vocabulary. Ninety-five percent of the time, I believe that. It's the remaining 5% that scares me. Every now and then I meet a couple that just makes me stop in my tracks and say, "Really?!? You two tied the knot?!?" And you have that sense that without a really expensive therapist or Jesus Christ himself descending on their living room, it's just... never gonna work.
That's not usually the case, though. Not lately, anyhow. What we have here is a case of Spouses Gone Wild. They're not just getting divorced, they're losing their minds. They're not just being poor spouses, they're being the exact OPPOSITE of what the Bible calls them to be. I can't blame non-Christians for that behavior, but Christians ought to know better. But they don't.
It wouldn't freak me out so much if it was one person acting badly, but it seems like an epidemic. I've got friends leaving their spouses for people of the same sex, people leaving to hook up with rapists (I'm not even kidding about that one),I've got one friend turning into a drunk even as her two young children stand by and watch, and there's kinky stuff going on. I've got friends with porn addictions, friends with porn addictions who are denying that it's an addiction at all, people leaving their mates to venture out on some personal crusade to test the grass that seems so much greener on the other side. Friends giving up really good things in return for crap. God is giving these people gifts, and they are tossing them out the window in exchange for curses. They're dragging secular thought and belief into their Christian marriages and then wondering why it sucks.
I know what it's like to have a terrible marriage, to want to run away, and what it is like to sin and screw up so badly that it seems like everything is lost. But God's mercies are new every day. If you walk away from the Truth, you can always turn around and go back to it. I haven't always chosen wisely, but what I am seeing and hearing is blowing my mind.
Christians are supposed to be set apart. That doesn't mean we don't make mistakes or have perfect relationships. What it means is that we STRIVE and WORK and TRY and give up our own selfish needs for the needs of our mate, and for the glory of God. We come to our senses and walk away from sexual perversity, from bad advice from unbelievers, and instead of looking to Oprah, we look to God's Word as a marriage guide.
You know what? Don't read my book. Not first. If your marriage is sinking into a deep, dark hole, read the Bible first. Do a study on marriage. See what it tells you to do, and then do it. If you can't for some reason, get with people who can help you. STRIVE, WORK, TRY.
Be IN the world, but not OF it.
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Make your life count: a year of Adrian’s writing
2 weeks ago
It was a real blessing and a joy reconnecting with you through FB. This is a sad, troubling post. I know it's true, but it hurts. It hurts to see people choose what seems like an easier, softer way that leads to ruination. Good to read you, Julie.
By the way, I'll watch Book of Eli on your recommendation.
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