Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Being a Nice Christian Neighbor

I've been writing all of these stories about my neighbors in a pretty sarcastic tone, and while I'm attempting to be humorous and entertaining, I have a feeling that some Christian readers might get a little ticked off. What about witnessing? Didn't I do any of that? Or did I just get mad and poke fun?

Most of my neighbor stories were not funny at the time, they were frustrating and often terribly sad. (Like I said - I won't write about all of them because I don't want to hurt certain people.) We have always made great efforts to have a welcoming home (smells and all) and to try to help the people around us. I was once an undiagnosed, un-medicated woman with bipolar disorder and therefore not the easiest to live with. We're not above anyone.

Having said that, I DO seem to amass a large number of bizarre stories, both with neighbors and sometimes strangers. Sometimes you have to look back and laugh. After at least a dozen people tell you "this stuff only happens to you" you start to think... hmm, maybe I should write about some of this. Because it IS weird, and weirdness makes for good writing.

My husband and I believe God put all of these people in our path for a reason, that reason being to love them, which we did. And if I thought any of those people could read these stories and be hurt by them, I wouldn't write them. They're people I still pray for when they come to mind. But weird is weird, and funny is funny.

But don't think for a minute that I hate any of my old neighbors or consider myself better than them, because it's simply not true.

Happy reading. Pin It


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