Friday, June 4, 2010

Yee Haw Summer is HERE

Happy Summer! Have you made your first foray to the swimming pool/beach/lake yet? I did, and it was every bit as wonderful as I remember it being… though I got no tan whatsoever. There are things about the pool that I truly despise – wet toilet seats in the bathrooms, and little kids splashing me and almost pummeling me in the face. I put up with it for the satisfaction of roasting under the hot sun like a popcorn kernel waiting to explode, reading a good book, and the relief of jumping in the cool water when I can’t take the heat anymore. Those of you with swimming pools of your own – consider yourself extremely lucky.


Ultimately, my dream is to one day own a home out in the country where I either have my own swimming pool or a pond. I’ll even settle for a creek, if I must. I don’t need a mansion. I just want to look in one direction and see the woods, then look in another direction and see swimmable water. I’m not motivated by fancy cars or big houses, just water.


There is a stream that runs alongside my home and yesterday I got bored waiting for my husband to get home so we could run errands, so I made my way down to the water’s edge. I managed to slip on the damp grass and bury my right sneaker (my pink and silver Skecher!!) in the mud. Ok, actually… I never would have slipped on the damp grass had I not been lunging after a toad that was stupidly staring up at me. In the summer, toads regularly sun themselves in our parking lot. Maybe the heat and lack of water makes them sluggish or lazy, because they’re always very easy to catch. Not the case when they’re in the water. I did manage to find and catch two itty bitty turtles, neither of whom seemed to give a damn that they were nose-to-nose in a human being’s palm. I happen to think turtles are adorable; my husband happens to think they look like snakes with a shell, and he hates snakes. When I showed him Dumb and Dumber (as I would later name them), he scrunched up his nose the same way he does when I buy myself an artichoke at the grocery store. Then he told me to wash my hands because turtles are nothing but salmonella on legs.


He’ll freak out over turtles having salmonella, but he merely swats and West Nile-infested mosquitos.


Welcome to summer.

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