Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Guess I'm a T-Shirt Designer

It's official: the shirt I designed for Amy Grant is now on sale for the duration of the Amy/Michael W. Smith "2 Friends" tour! I guess this makes me a t-shirt designer? This makes me blessed, I know that.

I became a fan of Amy Grant when I was about 12 years old. I've been fortunate enough to share face-to-face conversation with her over the years - a feat many music fans cannot claim as their own. My husband can't believe I haven't blogged about this at length. It's a strange feeling... It's so outside of the realm of the norm that I almost don't know where to place it in the puzzle of my life. That's the best way I can explain it. It's an incredible honor, and since it's unlikely I will go on to become some kind of professional artist, that makes it even more special.

I feel the tiniest bit guilty that I didn't make anything for Michael W. Smith. After all, he WAS my first-ever REAL concert, and I WAS madly in love with him as a teenager. Those were the days - back in the early 90s when stubble and mullets were "hot." Next time, Smitty. Next time.

I have to say, there is one major benefit to never having returned to live in Nashville, and that's the fact that I can still have some childlike wonderment about things like this. I can still be a fan and think it's sa-weet. I think some of the people I knew when I WAS there have lost that. It almost seems... embarrassing or unprofessional for them to take any joy in it, or even acknowledge that they are fans of anything. Heck, maybe they aren't fans of anything anymore, and that's just about as sad. I'm personally glad I haven't lost that. I have no one to impress. I'm a writer who happens to be a big Amy Grant fan. I'm crazy psyched about being able to see a shirt I designed for sale at next month's concert! I'm glad I have that tiny bit of childlike innocence left.

There's something about this t-shirt thing that makes me feel like a 12-year-old prepubescent girl, dancing in my room to "Baby Baby" again. I hope I never lose that. I need a little break from adulthood sometimes. If any of you see my shirt for sale, I expect you to buy at least 20 copies. No pressure or anything. Pin It


Debbie Drumheller said...

Julie, Congrats on your t-shirt design! I love it! My mom actually bought me one at the concert at "The Grove" in Anaheim for my bday! She also bought herself and two of her friends one too. She called me at the Redlands concert because another friend wanted one....they were sold out of adult sizes! It was a big hit!!

I enjoyed reading your blog....and look forward to reading more!


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Blog Design By Use Your Imagination Designs With Pictures from Pinkparis1233
Use Your Imagination Designs