Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mental Health in the News

I am so bored tonight. So, so bored. Might as well blog, right? Let's find some bipolar disorder in the news.

Here's one - Stanley Medical Research Institute removed a man's entire brain without his wife's consent. This doesn't have that much to do with bipolar disorder...except that the institute 'harvests' brains to study bipolar and schizophrenia.  I can kind of see why that would freak a person out. On the other hand, a brain won't come in handy in the ground. I totally agree that nobody should have their brain removed without some kind of approval. Horror movies, anyone? But at least his brain went toward helping sick people. When I die, I don't care what happens to my body. Bury me, cremate me, prop me up in a lawn chair with a coffee can to collect change on Route 30, whatever. I probably have at least 20 busted parts that science would love to have a crack at, so I say have at it.

Schizophrenia and bipolar are genetically linked. I have no idea what that means, but probably should. I'm hoping it doesn't mean I'm going to become schizophrenia later in life. The important thing, at least for me, is the word GENETICS. The word GENETICS, of course, meaning that mental illness is a REAL MEDICAL DISEASE. No, not everyone is making up a diagnosis to excuse their lazy/bad behavior and/or spiritual deficit. There ARE people in the world - myself included - with an actual disease of the brain. Special thanks to my mom's side of the family for giving me so many wonderful genes to work with (bipolar, Alzheimer's...)

Help for depressed teenagers - I wish this had existed when I was a kid. That sentence makes it sound like I was a teenager before color TV, but I only graduated from high school in 1997, not even a full 15 years ago. When I was 15, I was put on a little blue pill called Zoloft which only served not make me non-suicidal, but I was still miserably depressed. Years later, when I was diagnosed with bipolar, I found out that there was a good chance the Zoloft had made the bipolar worse. Yeah, apparently if you have bipolar and only take an antidepressant but not a mood stabilizer with it, it can make you a lot sicker in the long run. I don't think it even crossed anyone's mind that I was bipolar when I was a teenager. I wish there had been real help back then, because I felt desperately alone. It also would have helped to know I had a mental illness and wasn't just a loser.

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