Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Hump Day, peeps.
By pure accident, I got into Wilson Phillips Still Holding On and now I can't stop watching it. Did you know Chyna Phillips is a Christian? I had no idea. She's not always terribly nice to everyone, but then again... neither am I. I guess we all get to be human. 

Whenever a blogger has been MIA from the blog world for a while, she feels the need to explain her absence, whether anybody cares or not... so let me explain. We'll start with the bad and work our way to the good.

I've had some health problems lately, and that has been my main reason for not blogging. I haven't felt it - blah! Nothing terribly serious, just a lot of ear/nose/sinus issues. The past 6 months I've had pounding/whoosing/roaring in my ears 24/7, I've been lightheaded, I've had really bad headaches, and in trying to figure out my problem, my bipolar meds were in a state of upheaval more than once. (I'm now on less than half the meds I used to take, which I'm thrilled about.) I am more awake and "with it" now, which I contribute to slashing my meds in half. But I'm finally going to see an ENT this week, and I can't wait. I had a CAT scan a couple of weeks ago and it showed that I have a lot of really packed-in sinus gunk waaaaaaay back in my sinuses. It's hard to blog when all you want to do is find a crowbar so you can pop the top of your skull off and relieve the pressure. No lie - I've actually dreamed about doing that.

Now the good news - I've been going through a transformation, y'all! A MAJOR, MAJOR transformation. Things I have struggled with all my life have disappeared in less than a year's time. Through the power of prayer, the support of other understanding believers, and some seriously hard work, God has been setting me free.

I started attending a group called Celebrate Recovery in February 2011. I started actually taking it seriously this past fall. :-)  It's 12-step recovery, but it's recovery from any hurt, habit, or hang-up. Our 'higher power' is Jesus Christ. After many years of trying medication after medication, and seeing counselor after counselor, I'm starting to feel like a whole, healed person... thanks in major part to CR.

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