Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hey, Bill Maher...

Bill Maher. Gotta love the guy. Actually, I guess if you're liberal, then you probably do love the guy. I'm not a fan myself.

So, this is his lastest Maher-ism:
"I think religion is a neurological disorder."

This little cop-out was uttered recently on "Larry King Live."

Heh. Funny you should mention it, Bill.
I can't fault you. I mean, if I weren't a Christian, I'd probably think something similar. I was raised on the notion that anyone who was "into church" was a religious nut. Ah, I'll never forget when Patty & Craig moved in next-door. Two of the nicest people you'd ever want to me. They opened their home to me, let me swim in their pool, had me babysit their kids, and yet because they invited me to church they were "nuts."

I guess if you're not into it, you just don't get it, and that's cool.

I've been a Christian now for 17 years. Not all of it has been flowers and butterflies and balloons. Most of it, because of my messy past, was rife with questions and doubts. Sometimes I walked away, then I came back, then I walked away again, then I came back, and on and on it went.

Yeah, Bill, it's funny you should mention faith and neurological disorders in the same sentence, because my own neurological problem is what has convinced me that God is real and that human beings are made to NEED and WANT God. See, I have Bipolar Disorder, which, in your world, is the reason I have faith in God. You know, it never worked like that for me. All those years I had BP and didn't know it, I WRESTLED with my faith mightily. Do you know when I stopped wrestling, Bill? WHEN I GOT MEDICATED.

Yup, you got it. When I saw a shrink and started getting medicated for my brain illness, that's when faith got a lot easier for me. Not that I've got it all figured out, because I don't and I never will. But the questions of how and why and why not... all of a sudden I could handle them.

Do you get what I'm saying here? My faith started to make sense and come alive AFTER I was treated for my neurological disorder.

Now, it's a free country and you're entitled to believe whatever you darn well please. I'm sure some people have had the exact opposite experience of mine. But I'm writing to you to tell you your logic doesn't work. Come up with a better way insult people of faith, because this jab won't cut it.

Have a merry Christmas... X-mas... whatever you call it. And good luck coming up with pat answers in the future.

This guy knows everything! He's like Santa Claus, only considerably less jolly... Pin It


Dayna said...

This is the same for me, Julie. Jonathan and I have argued about/discussed it several times. I;m convinced my spiritual renewal - such as it is lately - became possible once my mental illnesses were successfully treated. Otherwise, I was so overwhelmed with fighting the depression and everything else. Thanks for writing this. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in that sequence of events.

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