I got up very early today, which is rare for me. I'm not a morning person and I avoid early mornings as much as possible. When you work from home you can pull stuff like that off. I got up crazy early today because I missed a Fed-Ex delivery yesterday which contained my husband's new cell phone. Hubby made me promise to get up early and hang out where I could hear someone knocking on the door. I kept my promise but I can't help but think Fed-Ex Guy is going to show up when I'm perched atop of the porcelain throne or taking a shower. When I do get up early, I always tell myself I'm going to hit my book project hard, but I usually wind up sitting here in a near coma until at least 10 a.m.
I made breakfast smoothies this morning. It didn't take a lot of energy - I opened the bag of Yoplait frozen smoothie contents, threw it in the blender with a cup of milk and hit "high"... all the while checking out the window to make sure Fed-Ex Guy wasn't banging on the door while the blender whirred like a jackhammer. (Note to self: defrost Yoplait frozen smoothie contents for a few minutes before blending.)
I'm still working on this book proposal. Have I mentioned I hate book proposals? I hate book proposals. I hate anything administrative in nature. And math. I really, really hate math. The down side of being creative is that anything that ISN'T creative feels like a nightmare. There is something about the phrase "annotated table of contents" that stirs up emotions in me not unlike the emotions I used to experience in algebra class. I've lit a fire under my own butt because you never know - somebody else might be having the same idea right now and, frankly, I'd like to beat them to the punch.
So, good morning, Wednesday. It's ON. It's on like DONKEY KONG.
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