I'm a very loyal person. I'm a loyal friend. It takes a lot - A LOT - for me to walk away or put someone out of my life... especially with no explanation. When I love, I "love hard," so to speak.
So it's hard when someone you have cared about for years disappears with no reasoning behind it. When suddenly, one day, they just stop talking to you, responding to you, and acknowledging that you exist.
We met when I was 18. I had moved home from college and was clueless about my life. This friend and I (won't go into details about how we met or got to know each other) bonded over similar life experiences and the desire to move forward from them. About a year or so ago, I realized this person wasn't taking my calls or answering my emails anymore. So I put out the feelers, one more time, extending a hand in friendship... and got silence.
We've all had a bad relationship, and we've all had people move in and out of our lives for different seasons. I had one friendship tank like the Titanic around the same time I met the friend I'm currently writing about. But at least in that situation, the reasons were obvious. I don't feel like this relationship has tanked. It just evaporated into thin air. I guess you could say I went from the Titanic to the Golden Triangle.
So either I did something wrong that I can't think of, or this person has turned into a snot. I'd almost prefer to think I did something wrong because I don't want to think of this person as being self-absorbed and consumed with fame and money. That's not the person I knew when I was 18 and I hope that's not the person they have become.
But I'll be honest - I'm hurt. I wish my friend well. I don't mean my friend any harm. I don't have any interest in bashing my friend. I want my friend to be happy and successful and at peace (because this person has not always BEEN at peace.)
I was hoping to travel with my friend over the long haul, but I guess the road ends for me here.
Safe travels and smooth sailing ahead, friend.
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Make your life count: a year of Adrian’s writing
2 weeks ago
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